A craftsman of music and the "Florentine school"

From the end of the ‘eighties “Casa Bigazzi”, situated in Settignano on a hill over Florence, became the hub of new ideas and the “forge” of Italian songs. Giancarlo called himself and preferred others to call him “a craftsman of the song”, who tailored his songs to the individual singer. He said “I’m a good tailor” and he created many made-to-measure songs for many singers.
Besides being a composer and producer, Giancarlo Bigazzi was also a talent scout. With his collaborators, Marco Falagiani and Beppe Dati, he founded the so-called “Florentine School”, attended by many young Italian musicians, including Marco Masini, Aleandro Baldi, Francesca Alotta, Alessandro Canino, Paolo Vallesi.


Brilliant, Young, Musical

The Beginnings

Rome and The Dolce Vita

...the blue FIAT 600

The beginning of the collaborations

Living with Gianna

International successes

The 'eighties

A parallel dimension... The Squallor

A craftsman of music and the "Florentine school"

From the end of the ‘eighties “Casa Bigazzi”, situated in Settignano on a hill over Florence, became the hub of new ideas and the “forge” of Italian songs. Giancarlo called himself and preferred others to call him “a craftsman of the song”, who tailored his songs to the individual singer. He said “I’m a good tailor” and he created many made-to-measure songs for many singers.
Besides being a composer and producer, Giancarlo Bigazzi was also a talent scout. With his collaborators, Marco Falagiani and Beppe Dati, he founded the so-called “Florentine School”, attended by many young Italian musicians, including Marco Masini, Aleandro Baldi, Francesca Alotta, Alessandro Canino, Paolo Vallesi.

The 'nineties

Unlimited and unconfined

The 'noughties

A Maestro, a Kamikaze fighter