‘We consider ourselves craftsmen of music and craftsmen are those who work in the intuition of what can happen tomorrow...’.
Giancarlo claimed.
Giancarlo never wanted to give ‘lessons’ or write a manual on ‘how to make a song’;
nor did he get on his high horse to make his way of working public.
With his ‘Craftsmanship Intelligence’, however, he conveyed real sensations with a direct, intimate way of communicating to those who joined him in the stages of creating a melody and lyrics.

Giancarlo was a ‘man of substance’, an author and record producer who was reluctant to the limelight, far from ephemeral protagonisms; he always preferred the harmony between note and word and thus identifying those who would give voice to it, and then proposing the productions to the public.
The song is dynamic and, conveyed by radios as well as the most modern media channels, it travels through the air, enters public places, many homes, but above all it provokes emotions to the point of penetrating people's hearts.
For GB MUSIC, music is first and foremost a passion, a need to do regardless of means and structures. It is about creating connections through Art, starting with music to interact with other forms of expression, such as poetry and video.

In starting any collaboration, it is essential that the motivation is not polluted by sterile protagonism and that, while respecting roles, there is always a shared vision between Giovanni Bigazzi and his staff. Of course, then, in addition to working on sound and words, you need the ability to propose a master's degree to find and involve the right person on marketing aspects as well.
Giancarlo has always thought: ‘Songs are like butterflies that sometimes take flight... and then you don't know how far they can travel and land’.
In the path of a production and its diffusion, the roads to make a mark are infinite and above all there is not one that is without obstacles, reaching the goal can depend on a thousand factors (some imponderable).
Undoubtedly, it is a journey in an indeterminate time, with a necessary programme line as a reference, but in a progression that can evade the trap of the ‘mad rush’, far from the ‘steamroller’ of the passing fad that today grinds protagonists and songs with far too exaggerated rhythms.

GB Music looks at content and prefers the quality of human resources in their competence and passion, the valorisation of the artist, not only in the musical content but also on the image aspect, knowing how to identify the communication means that are the most suitable to spread a song or any project. To always ride the wave of Research.

‘Music is the only passage that unites the abstract with the concrete’.
(A. Artaud)