This TV film tells the story of Marco Pantani, a typical provincial lad who at a certain point discovers his passion for cycling. In the film directed by Claudio Bonivento, Pantani is played by Rolando Ravello. The most important events of Pantani’s life are taken from the book “Pantani. Un eroe tragico” by Pier Bergonzi, Davide Cassani and Ivan Zazzaroni, published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore.
This TV film tells the story of Marco Pantani, a typical provincial lad who at a certain point discovers his passion for cycling. In the film directed by Claudio Bonivento, Pantani is played by Rolando Ravello. The most important events of Pantani’s life are taken from the book “Pantani. Un eroe tragico” by Pier Bergonzi, Davide Cassani and Ivan Zazzaroni, published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore.