A 1989 film directed by Marco Risi, set in Palermo and based on the novel of the same name by Aurelio Grimaldi. The title refers to the story of one of these youngsters, a transvestite who calls himself Mary and who is arrested one day for the attempted murder of a client while he’s prostituting himself. The film also had a sequel “Ragazzi fuori” in 1990, again directed by Marco Risi.
A 1989 film directed by Marco Risi, set in Palermo and based on the novel of the same name by Aurelio Grimaldi. The title refers to the story of one of these youngsters, a transvestite who calls himself Mary and who is arrested one day for the attempted murder of a client while he’s prostituting himself. The film also had a sequel “Ragazzi fuori” in 1990, again directed by Marco Risi.