NEWS DATE 26 January 2022

Versilia, 21 January 2022 - A life for the seven notes, fifty years of history of Italian music, a series of immortal hits. All of this and much more is Giancarlo Bigazzi who left us exactly ten years ago. It is right to remember it because what he handed down is …

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MARADONA, blessed heart

NEWS DATE 11 November 2021

From Villa Fiorito, passing through the success in the most important stadiums in the world and with the most prestigious jerseys, up to the World Cup in Mexico in 1986. Maradona: Sogno Benedetto, a new sports / biographical series by Amazon Prime Video, tells the lights and the shadows of …

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NEWS DATE 09 March 2021

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Nino Manfredi, the Insani Logoritmi publishesthe unpublished video of "Non lasciare Roma", the last song interpreted by the Roman actor epublished in 2014 on the occasion of the exhibition “NINO! Homage to Nino Manfredi "set up inPalazzo Braschi dedicated …

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Trump celebrates with "Gloria"

NEWS DATE 11 January 2021

Il Fatto Quotidiano - 9 Gennaio 2021 Donald Trump, his son, Eric Trump and partner, Kimberly Guilfoyle. And then the staff of the entourage of the outgoing US president. All gathered under a marquee as they look at images of Trump supporters gathered in Washington. In the background, Gloria, sung by …

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Music Academy

NEWS DATE 02 October 2020

Camerino, 1 October 2020 - Music brings hope in a Camerino that still bears evident the wounds of the earthquake. And thanks to the voice of maestro Andrea Bocelli,  his Foundation and many donors who wanted to support the project, from today there will be a physical place where you …

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The Great Absent

NEWS DATE 23 June 2020

I would like to salute you Mimi. Because everyone knows definitively how much love we have exchanged. How many days on the piano and out. In an attempt to assert our talent and happiness to distribute it simply to everyone. So many disappointments. Bitterness. Suffering. But also a lot of …

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Interwiview with Gianna Bigazzi

NEWS DATE 16 June 2020

Mia Martini, in the beginning of autumn 1990, confiding in her friend and trusted record producer Gianni Sanjust, showed him the desire to know Maestro Giancarlo Bigazzi to check for a possible collaboration. Sanjust himself contacted the Maestro who warns his wife of Mia's possible arrival at their Florentine estate. …

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Squallor's USA for Italy

NEWS DATE 05 May 2020

The song "USA for Italy" by the legendary Squallor becomes a hymn of solidarity for the National Cancer Institute ""G. Pascale Foundation".In fact, the music of the song of 1985 becomes the soundtrack, with modified text for the occasion, of the campaign for the Coronavirus Emergency Fundraising organized by the …

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NEWS DATE 26 January 2022

Versilia, 21 January 2022 - A life for the seven notes, fifty years of history of Italian music, a series of immortal hits. All of this and much more is …

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MARADONA, blessed heart

NEWS DATE 11 November 2021

From Villa Fiorito, passing through the success in the most important stadiums in the world and with the most prestigious jerseys, up to the World Cup in Mexico in 1986. …

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NEWS DATE 09 March 2021

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Nino Manfredi, the Insani Logoritmi publishesthe unpublished video of "Non lasciare Roma", the last song interpreted by the Roman …

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Trump celebrates with "Gloria"

NEWS DATE 11 January 2021

Il Fatto Quotidiano - 9 Gennaio 2021 Donald Trump, his son, Eric Trump and partner, Kimberly Guilfoyle. And then the staff of the entourage of the outgoing US president. All gathered …

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Music Academy

NEWS DATE 02 October 2020

Camerino, 1 October 2020 - Music brings hope in a Camerino that still bears evident the wounds of the earthquake. And thanks to the voice of maestro Andrea Bocelli,  his …

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The Great Absent

NEWS DATE 23 June 2020

I would like to salute you Mimi. Because everyone knows definitively how much love we have exchanged. How many days on the piano and out. In an attempt to assert …

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Interwiview with Gianna Bigazzi

NEWS DATE 16 June 2020

Mia Martini, in the beginning of autumn 1990, confiding in her friend and trusted record producer Gianni Sanjust, showed him the desire to know Maestro Giancarlo Bigazzi to check for …

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Squallor's USA for Italy

NEWS DATE 05 May 2020

The song "USA for Italy" by the legendary Squallor becomes a hymn of solidarity for the National Cancer Institute ""G. Pascale Foundation".In fact, the music of the song of 1985 …

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