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News published 25 December 2012

One look was enough, in the instant of a note behind a word….a look to understand how to get into the harmony of a verse and observe in detail a line of lyrics as if seeing it could become an “acoustic zoom”….Rewinding and fast-forwarding the recording. A record which developed out of a particular set of circumstances. In which the creative soul inhaled loads of oxygen, wafted on a wind of enthusiasm, thus diluting every breath made difficult by these times which are hard for pure souls.
A meeting which made it possible to amalgamate differently similar personalities. Desires and impulses connected to music and lyrics moving in a single direction of chords and rhythms, gently but perseveringly, in the composition of a piece; with the obligatory cigarette, the pillar of Giancarlo’s creative emphasis throughout his life.
A meeting of authors and souls, this is what I, Sirio, and Giancarlo were (I feel like saying “are”). At a time when global insecurity looms threateningly over our individual and collective lives, and the musical world often gives in to commercial “take-away” products, in any case expressions which are too fleeting to maintain the lasting solidity of a real song;  at a time when society tends to stifle creative impulses in Art.  In contrast, this project shows Giancarlo’s desire to go against all rules and trends, his innate need to work and express himself with the authentic intuition which he has always revealed,  through a note on the piano or the ink of a pen.          
In recent years Giancarlo, a little big man, suffered from poor health. He maintained however an incredible ability to react to his illness, carrying on a sincere dialogue made up of sensations and desires. Thus in the production of Sirio Martelli’s record, Giancarlo gave us yet another lesson in life and creative energy, dismissing the scepticism which surrounded him. With his customary tenacity he continued his role as skilful “talent scout” (as in Italy in the case of the piece “Self Control”, 1984). This gift kept him going, and he continued to sow seeds in a soil which had always been always fertile in sounds and words.
“Inutilmente utile”…an oxymoron which seems to be a paradox but eloquently expresses the atmosphere of the present time. This is the title of the record we conceived and developed with a subtle irony and sentiment which sometimes take an irreverent and caustic view of private and social human relations. You might sometimes catch a hint of melancholy, but it is gritty melancholy, not confined to sickly-sweet nostalgia as in other love songs, but always provoking a smile, a reflection, without taking things too seriously, and revealing the positive side of the stories of each piece……
The FENDER guitars give the sound a certain spunkiness and sweetness; the Lakeland bass of Matteo Gianetti is also fundamental for sustaining the rhythm in the structure of the arrangements, with its dynamic, colourful harmonies for each song. A project whose progressive growth makes it suitable both for modern music diffusion networks and for a possible return to LPs for those who preserve the cult of the “all-round” record, and have a real taste for it . This multitude of figures, tones and states of mind of the artist and the collaborators in the project make “uselessly useful” a timeless record, with a sound which will find a dimension of constant renewability as time goes by